Music for Control Panels
“Music for Control Panels” is an audiovisual exploration inspired by the aesthetics of machines and industrial control rooms. In the tradition of electronic ambient music, sporadic acoustic events and drones guide the viewer through a contemplative journey. The visual component features a generative graphic score echoing projections of computer terminals, printers, and fax machines. Graphic notation expands the listening experience for both general and specific audiences.
Behind the score, a series of dashboards and computer room images complete the composition. Background images were initially created using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and later transformed heavily through multiple steps of ASCII conversion. While most commercial applications of modern image-generation techniques strive for photo realism, this electroacoustic work intentionally looks in the opposite direction. The overall composition pays homage to the early computer systems using contemporary techniques of image and sound-making.
1.Dashboard (4’50”)
2.Landing Sequence (4’50”)
3.Subway (5’40”)
Juan Manuel Escalante
IMPORTANT NOTE: The video above is a conceptual representation of the finished work, scheduled to be released in March 2025. The sound part is 100% completed and mastered. The audiovisual work is close to completion. The graphic score in the video corresponds to track three, Subway. The excerpt above features various ways of blending the score with the AI-generated background images. The final version will present various revisions of movement and additional refinement.
Listen to ALL three tracks:
01. Dashboard
Duration: 4’50”
02. Landing Sequence
Duration: 4’50”
03. Subway
Duration: 5’40”
ABOVE: Generative graphic score for Subway. Different symbols represent all sound components. Continuous and dotted lines represent fictional train passing by. The score is meant to be read as traditional sheet music (left to right). Each row has a duration of 85 seconds.
Composed and coded in San Diego, CA (2025).