Microsonic Landscapes are spatial data explorations of several albums and musical works we loved around 2012. It was one of our first projects that escaped the boundaries of two dimensional computer screens. A Java (Processing) code was written to parse audio data and place it into a radial 3D space. One code was written per album and never used again. The three dimensional output data was then modelled and printed using a Makerbot's Replicator.
The sculptures followed a radial order. The first song or track was placed on the center ring. From that point, the piece starts to grow from its center until the final song is rendered on the outer ring.
Sonifying Visuals / Visualizing Sound
(DongDaeMoon Design Museum, Seoul, KOR)
Curated by: Yoon C Han
CURRENTS New Media Arts Festival (Santa Fe, USA)
Curated by: Yoon C Han
New Realities Exhibition (Fundación Telefónica Lima, PER)
Curators: Carmen Salas Pino, Alpha-ville.
Photos: Héctor Delgado
Fellows of Contemporary Art, group Exhibition
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Curated by: Yoon C Han
New Realities, Mobile World Centre (Barcelona, ESP)
Curators: Estela Oliva and Carmen Salas
D-Dessin Exhibition, Yam Gallery (Paris, FRA)
CUrators: Marie Moébius and Adolfo Caballero
Algorithmic Hermeneutics exhibition at the National Center for the Arts (Mexico City, MEX)
Special thanks to: Ana Villa and the Centro Multimedia team (CENART).
PHOTO: Nick Drake’s Pink Moon Album (2010)
PHOTO: RAW output from our custom code (2012)
PHOTO: Data exploration of Another World by Antony and the Johnsons (2012).
IMAGES: Rendering tests (2012).
ABOVE: All five albums from the first iteration of the project (2012).
BELOW: Fundación Telefónica exhibition. Captures by Héctor Delgado (2016).
BELOW: Fundación Telefónica exhibition. Captures by Héctor Delgado (2016).
PHOTOS: Fellows of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA (2016).
PHOTOS: DongDaeMoon Design Museum, Seoul, KOR (2019).
ABOVE: CURRENTS New Media Festival (2017).
PHOTOS: National Center for the Arts
(CENART, Mexico City, MEX, 2012).
(CENART, Mexico City, MEX, 2012).