Jardín de la Distopía (Dystopia Garden) is a software art project that explored the perpetual destruction and regeneration of a metaphorical microbial population. A computer code simulated the dynamics of a thriving population whenever harmful agents appear within the system.
The project had two main stages. At first, it was shared as a video installation. Two years later, we were invited by the National Endowment for the Arts to present the work at the ZONA MACO Art Fair in Mexico City. We executed a live-act bio art performance of the project.
Creación en Movimiento Exhibition,
Center for the Arts, San Luis Potosí (MEX)
ZONA MACO Arte Contemporáneo (MEX)
3D modeling and print: Marco Gamboa
Bacterial growth: Francisco Erazo
Special thanks to Rene Roquet and the Jóvenes Creadores team at FONCA.
Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts
ABOVE: Evolution of the system, screen captures (2011).
ABOVE and COVER image: the project on display at the Center for the Arts, San Luis Potosí (2011).
IMAGE: Bacterial growth, simulation (custom Java code, 2011).
BELOW: Bacterial growth after the ZONA MACO performance (2013).