Hackpact was a one-code-per-day experiment we started on November 2011. The project explored the notion of sound and its relationship to form and color. In some experiments, the visual component controls the sound. In others, the graphics are projections of amplitude and pitch values using FFT and real-time soundwave analysis.
Complete list of developed codes:
01 - Barras Morse
02 - Canción
03 - Display
04 - Anillos
05 - Metronomus
06 - Escaleras
07 - Tablatura
08 - Bosque
09 - Órbitas
10 - Cajas / Origami
11 - Timbiriche
12 - Film Noir / Weaponizer (ft. MSTRPRGRMMR)
13 - Sistema Frecuencial
14 - Russian Cosmonauts
16 - Soundscape
17 - Foundations
18 - Flowers for H.
19 - Morse
20 - Propelled A
21 - Propelled B
Each exploration was published on a daily basis during November, 2011
Each exploration was published on a daily basis during November, 2011
VIDEO: 21 - Propelled B
DESCRIPTION: Variation of version no. 20.
VIDEO: 20 - Propelled A
DESCRIPTION: The twentieth experiment used movement as a force to execute digital processed sounds.
VIDEO: 20 - Overtime
DESCRIPTION: The video above explores a grid-based system and various frequencies per cell.
VIDEO: 19 - Morse
DESCRIPTION: Exploration of Y coordinates of various rows triggering square wave tones.
VIDEO: 16 - Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie
DESCRIPTION: Visualization of Bob Dylan’s spoken word poem.
VIDEO: 16 - Orson Wells
DESCRIPTION: The video features an visual representation of Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds" broadcast (1938)
VIDEO: 15 - Russian Cosmonauts (encore)
DESCRIPTION: 3D version of code fourteen.
VIDEO: 14 - Russian Cosmonauts
DESCRIPTION: Exploration fourteen is another sound visualization using amplitude values. I was inspired by the tragic stories of early russian cosmonauts.
VIDEO: 13 - Sistema Frecuencial
DESCRIPTION: The video above mimics the structure of solar system in our universe.
VIDEO: 12 - Film Noir / Weaponizer (ft. Mstrprgrmmr)
DESCRIPTION: The video features a real-time representation of Masterprogrammer’s Weaponizer track.
VIDEO: 11 - Timbiriche
DESCRIPTION: Various entities live inside a grid system. We can hear the combination of all sound frequencies as they move through the system.
VIDEO: 10 - Cajas / Origami
DESCRIPTION: Above, various nodes move randomly on the Y axis and create a low-poly shape. The average of all Y coordinates determines the audio frequency.
VIDEO: 09 - Órbitas
DESCRIPTION: Exploration nine used a circular system to trigger sounds. Each white dot triggers a square wave sound once it reaches the end.
VIDEO: 08 - Bosque
DESCRIPTION: In the clip, we can see/hear a noise-based exploration. The sound is the resulting outcome of two different nodes (left and right) controlled by Perlin noise.
VIDEO: 07 - Tablatura
DESCRIPTION: The video features an early exploration of algorithmic graphic notation.
VIDEO: 06 - Escaleras
DESCRIPTION: Each path increments the frequency of a specific sound.
VIDEO: 05 - Metronomus
DESCRIPTION: A trigger-based system. Whenever the circular patterns reaches angle zero, we hear a sound.
VIDEO: 04 - Anillos
DESCRIPTION: The video features a ring-based system. Each portion of the ring executes a specific digital synthesizer.
VIDEO: 03 - Display
DESCRIPTION: The canvas is arranged into a grid. Every cell has x and y coordinates. Based on those numbers, we hear a specific pitch and amplitude.
VIDEO: 02 - Canción / Grief
DESCRIPTION: Every bar triggers a soundwave. The closest a soundwave is to the center, the louder it gets.
VIDEO: 01 - Barras
DESCRIPTION: Every bar triggers a sine wave. The height of the bar represents the frequency of each sound event.